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Paper Submission

Instructions for Authors


Submit through Online Submission System: Submission System

Important Dates (Final Round)

Abstract Submission: July 25, 2024

Full Paper Submission: August 7, 2024

Author Notification: August 20, 2024

Registration: September 1, 2024

Camera-ready Submission Due: September 1, 2024

Main Conference: September 13-15, 2024

Paper Format

Authors please make sure that your manuscript is prepared in accordance with the conference paper layout requirements.

You can find paper template as follow. 

Full Paper

Abstract Template

Author's name, affiliation and contact should be included in the Title Page. 

Title Page-Chinese

Title Page-English


1. Language: Submitted papers should be written in English, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices.

2. Length: If the paper exceeds 5 pages, the additional pages will be charged.

3. File Type: Paper submitted in DOC or PDF formatted is acceptable.

4. Originality: Only original papers will be considered. The manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.

Pre-submission Check

1. Originality Detection

Authors should not submit paper that has been published previously, or under consideration for publication elsewhere. To verify originality, full paper will go through originality detection after the receipt of the manuscript. Authors should ensure that the submitted paper is entirely original, and if the work or words of others have been used, they should be appropriately cited or quoted.

2. Language Check

Authors should check the spelling and grammar of their papers before submitting to make their paper understandable and readable to editors, reviewers and future readers.

3. Topic of Interest

The content of the paper should be relevant to the conference theme and falls within the scope of conference. Irrelevance to the aim and scope of the conference will lead to immediate rejection.

4. Authorship

Authors should be those who made significant contributions to the study of paper. If other individuals who are not qualified to be co-author but participate in any substantive aspects of the paper, they should be well acknowledged in the acknowledgements section.

All funding resources and competing interest should be disclosed in the Authorship Statement.


Accepted papers are required to make a presentation at the conference, the conference organizer will provide the necessary technical facilities for presentation.

Technical Facilities for Presentation

1. Laptop 
2. Projector
3. Pointer
4. Microphone

*Please be aware that internet access is not guaranteed. Having an external storage source is imperative. If you need some extra software for your presentation, 

please contact HKSRA staff to make sure it is possible. 

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation: Oral presenters are given 15 minutes, questions and answers included.

Poster Presentation: Poster presenters shall prepare an A0 (1189mm*842mm) poster for display at the conference. Poster Template

Plagiarism Detection


Authors are recommended to conduct similarity check through iThenticate before submission. Please notice that the plagiarism detection will be performed throughout the review and publication process. If a paper is withdrawn or declined due to high percentage of similarity, no refund will be accepted.